Türkiye ve Dünya Gerçekleri

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Dünya Tarihi







Dinler Tarihi

Dünya Tarihi



Dünya ve Dinler Tarihi


Dinler Tarihi: Judaism & Christianity - Yahudilik ve Hristiyanlik


- Early Judaism
- Early Judaism, part 1
- Early Judaism, part 2
- Judaism develops

- Early Christianity
- The spread of Christianity

- Christianity in the Roman Empire
- The Council of Nicaea



Dinler Tarihi: Islam


Origins Spread and Golden Age of Islam


Origins of Islam
- Introduction to Islam
- Beginnings of Islam: The life of Muhammad
- Beginnings of Islam: The Hijra to Medina and the conversion of Mecca
- Contextualization of the development of Islam


Spread of Islam
- The spread of Islam
- The rise of Islamic empires and states
- Spread of Islamic Culture
- The development and spread of Islamic cultures


Sunni and Shia Islam
- Sunni and Shia Islam part 1
- Sunni and Shia Islam part 2


Golden Age of Islam
- Golden age of Islam


Dinler Tarihi: Hinduism and Buddhism


Early Buddhism
- Hinduism: core ideas of Brahman, Atman, Samsara and Moksha.

- Early Buddhism
- Core spiritual ideas of Buddhism
- Buddhism: context and comparison
- Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism

Cultural Syncretism in Central Asia


Dinler Tarihi: Zoroastrianism










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