TransAnatolie TA3401: Theodora: 4 Day Cultural Tour in Turkey Istanbul:
Cultural Heritage Tour to Turkey: Byzantium, Constantinople, Istanbul:
The Capital-City of Byzantium..
PAGEREF _Toc103606340 \h 1
Day 1: Arrival in Istanbul
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Day 2: Istanbul
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Day 3: Istanbul
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Day 4: Istanbul
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Optional evening activities
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Rates include.
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Rates exclude.
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Theodora (6th century)
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Justinian, Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire.
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Legislative activities
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Nika riots
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Conquest of North Africa, 533–534.
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War in Italy, first phase, 535–540.
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War with the Sassanid Empire, 540–562.
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War in Italy, second phase, 541–552.
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Religious activities
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Religious policy.
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Religious relations with Rome.
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Suppression of non-Christian religions
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Building activities, learning, art and literature.
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Economy and administration.
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TransAnatolie Tour: Multilingual Cultural Tour Provider and Operator.
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Sightseeing city tour, dinner and overnight at the 4 star Armada Hotel.
In the morning, discovery of the Golden Horn and of the Pierre Loti
area. Visits to Ottoman Imperial Cemetery and Eyüp Mosque. Walks along
the Roman-Byzantine city walls and visit the Chora Church and Mihrimah
Sultan Mosque.
The great Mosque of Eyüp lies outside the city walls, near the Golden
Horn, at the supposed place where Eyüp, the standard bearer of the
Prophet Mohammed, died in the Islamic assault on Constantinople in 670
A.D. The first mosque built after the Ottoman conquest of the city, this
greatly venerated shrine attracts many pilgrims.
The Kariye Museum (Chora Church), the 11th century church of "St. Savior"
in Chora, is, after St. Sophia, the most important Byzantine monument in
Istanbul. Unremarkable in its architecture, inside, the walls are
decorated with superb l4th century frescoes and mosaics. Illustrating
scenes from the life of Christ and the Virgin Mary, these brilliantly
coloured paintings embody the vigour of Byzantine art. Restored wooden
houses in the area surrounding the church offer tea and coffee in a
relaxed, atmosphere far removed from the city's hectic pace.
Walls of glass fill the four immense arches that support the central
dome at the Mihrimah Sultan Mosque inside the Edirne gate of the old
city walls. One hundred and sixty-one windows illuminate this mosque,
built by Sinan for Mihrimah Sultana, the daughter of Süleyman the
Magnificent in 1555.
Lunch is next to the Roman Circus in a well known Turkish-Greek
In the afternoon, we visit St. Sofia (Ayasofya) and Topkapi Palace
Museums, and the Grand Bazaar.
The Basilica of St. Sophia, now called the Ayasofya Museum, is
unquestionably one of the finest buildings of all time. Built by
Constantine the Great and reconstructed by Justinian in the 6th century,
its immense dome rises 55 meters above the ground and its diameter spans
31 meters. You should linger here to absorb the building's majestic
serenity and to admire the fine Byzantine mosaics.
On a spot of land at the confluence of the Bosphorus, the Golden Horn
and the Marmara Sea, stands Topkapi Palace, a maze of buildings at the
center of the Ottoman Empire between the 15th and 19th centuries. In
these opulent surroundings the sultans and their court lived and
governed. A magnificent wooded garden fills the outer, or first, court.
To the right of the second court, shaded by cypress and plane trees,
stand the palace kitchens, now galleries exhibiting the imperial
collections of crystal, silver and Chinese porcelain. To the left, the
Harem, the secluded quarters of the wives, concubines and children of
the sultan, charms visitors with echoes of a centuries old intrigue.
Today, the third court holds the Hall of Audience, the Library of Ahmet
III, an exhibition of imperial costumes worn by the sultans and their
families, the famous jewels of the treasury and a priceless collection
of miniatures from medieval manuscripts. In the center of this innermost
sanctuary, the Pavilion of the Holy Mantle enshrines the relics of the
Prophet Mohammed brought to Istanbul when the Ottomans assumed the
caliphate of Islam
The cascading domes and four slender minarets of Süleymaniye Mosque
dominate the skyline on the Golden Horn's west bank. Considered the most
beautiful of all imperial mosques in Istanbul, it was built between 1550
and 1557 by Sinan, the renowned architect of the Ottoman golden age. On
the crest of a hill, the building is conspicuous by its great size,
which the four minarets that rise from each corner of the courtyard
emphasize. Inside, the mihrab (prayer niche) and the mimber (pulpit) are
of finely carved white marble; fine stained glass windows color the
incoming streams of light. It was in the gardens of this complex that
Süleyman and his wife Hürrem Sultan, Roxelane, had their mausolea built,
and near here also that Sinan built his own tomb. The mosque complex
also includes four medrese, or theological schools, a school of
medicine, a caravanserai, a Turkish bath, and a kitchen and hospice for
the poor.
We dine at Istanbul By Night at Kumkapi and overnight at the 4 star
hotel with high QoS.
In the morning, visit the Hippodrome, Turkish and Islamic Arts Museum
located at the Ibrahim Pascha Palace as well as the Ethnographical
Museum in Istanbul.
The dark stone building that houses the Museum of Turkish and Islamic
Art was built in 1524 by Ibrahim Pasa; Grand Vizier to Süleyman the
Magnificent, as his residence. It was the grandest private residence
ever built in the Ottoman Empire. Today, it houses a superb collection
of ceramics, metalwork miniatures, calligraphy, textiles, and woodwork
as well as some of the oldest carpets in the world.
Then we visit the sixth century Byzantine citern known as the Yerebatan
Sarnici. Three hundred and thirty-six massive Corinthian columns support
the immense chamber's fine brick vaulting.
alking along the Sultan Ahmet Square we arrive in the famous Blue
Mosque. Facing St. Sophia stands the supremely elegant, six-minaret,
imperial Sultanahmet Mosque. Built between 1609 and 1616 by the
architect Mehmet, the building is more familiarly known as the Blue
Mosque because its interior gleams with a magnificent paneling of blue
and white Iznik tiles. During the summer months an evening light and
sound show both entertain and inform.
Before lunch we become familiar with Turkish Cultural Products: carpets
and kilims, jewellery and leather. Delicious lunch is at the
Mesopotamian restaurant.
In the afternoon, pay a visit to the Old Egyptian Market and Second-Hand
Market. We then fully enjoy the wonderful Bosporus Cruise between two
continents Asia and Europe,
A stay in Istanbul is not complete without the traditional and
unforgettable boat excursion up the Bosphorus, the winding strait that
separates Europe and Asia. Its shores offer a delightful mixture of past
and present, grand splendor and simple beauty. Modern hotels stand next
to yali (shorefront wooden villas), marble palaces abut rustic stone
fortresses, and elegant compounds neighbour small fishing villages.
During the journey, you pass in front of the magnificent Dolmabahçe
Palace; farther along rise the green parks and imperial pavilions of
Yildiz Palace. On the edge of this park, on the coast, stands Çiragan
Palace, now restored as a grand hotel. Refurbished in 1874 by Sultan
Abdülaziz, it stretches for 300 meters along the Bosphorus shore, its
ornate marble facades reflecting the swiftly moving water. In Ortaköy,
the next stop, artists gather every Sunday to exhibit their works in a
streetside gallery. The variety of people create a lively scene; sample
a delicious bite from one of the street vendors. In Ortaköy, there is a
church, mosque and a synagogue that have existed side by side for
hundreds of years - a tribute to Turkish secularism and tolerance.
Overshadowing Istanbul's traditional architecture is the Bosphorus
Bridge, one of the world's largest suspension bridges linking Europe and
We finally dine and enjoy the night at our 4 star hotel with high QoS.
Breakfast. Free day until the transfer to the Airport. Another
TransAnatolie Tour Services end with Turkish Baklava.
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Special Dinner with show at the Caravanserai Night Club at
Galata Tower or at the Orient House Istanbul.
Turkish Belly Dance
4 days/3 nights in Istanbul
4 Star Armada Hotel (or similar) BB
Transportation in Istanbul with Mercedes, WW mini-,
midi-bus, Prenses 403 (depending on the size of group).
2 lunches in Turkish restaurants with specialities, dinner
of the 1st arrival date and breakfast of the departure date
all admission fees to the visits planned
services of the Professional Certified Guide
Flights Europe/Istanbul/Europe
Airport Tax
Ottoman Empire
Empress Theodora (c. 500–June 28, 548) was empress of the Byzantine
Empire and the wife of Emperor Justinian I 3. Along with her husband,
she is a saint in the Orthodox Church, commemorated on November 14.
Theodora was of Greek Cypriot descent, into the lowest class of
Byzantine society, the daughter of Acacius, a native of Cyprus who was a
bear keeper at the Hippodrome in Constantinople, while her mother, whose
name is not recorded, was a dancer and an actress. Much of the
information from this earliest part of her life comes from the Secret
History of Procopius, published posthumously. Critics of Procopius
(whose work reveals a man seriously disillusioned regarding his rulers)
have dismissed his work as a severely biased source, vitriolic and
pornographic, but have been unable to discredit some of its facts. For
example, the sources do not dispute Theodora emerged as a comic actress
in burlesque theater, and that her talents tended toward what might be
called low physical comedy. While her advancement in Byzantine society
was up and down, she made use of every opportunity. She had admirers by
the score. Procopius writes that she was a courtesan (and, according to
other sources, firstly a prostitute) and briefly served as the mistress
of Hecebolus, the governor of Pentapolis, by whom she bore her only
child, a son. There was a downside to her repertoire as well; Procopius
also repeatedly notes her lack of shame and cites a number of scenes to
demonstrate it, and also the low regard in which she was held by
respectable society.
Theodora as Empress was associated with the cause of Monophysitism,
often acting as an advocate on their behalf. Scholars usually hold that
Theodora was converted by Monophysites before meeting Justinian and
remained a partisan to that view throughout her life. Other scholars
however argue that this association was largely a role assigned to her
by Justinian, who courted the Monophysites to finally reunite them to
the Church. According to this view, Theodora herself was a Chalcedonian
but pastorally favored the Monophysites.
In 523 Theodora married Justinian, the nephew of Emperor Justin I. On
his accession to the Roman Imperial throne in 527, he made her joint
ruler of the empire, and appears to have regarded her as a full partner
in their rulership. This proved to be a wise decision. A strong-willed
woman, she showed a notable talent for governance. In the Nika riots of
532, her advice and leadership for a strong (and militant) response
caused the riot to be quelled and probably saved the empire. A
contemporary official, Joannes Laurentius Lydus, remarked that she was
"superior in intelligence to any man".
Some scholars believe that Theodora was Byzantium's first noted
proponent — and, according to Procopius, practitioner — of abortion; she
convinced Justinian to change the law that forbade noblemen to marry
lower class women (like herself). Theodora also advocated the
prohibition of killing adulteress women, and the rights of women to be
socially serviced, helping to advance protections and delights for them;
and was also something of a voice for former prostitutes and the
downtrodden. She also helped to mitigate the breach in Christian sects
that loomed large over her time; she probably had a large part in
Justinian's efforts to reconcile the Non-Chalcedonians to the
Chalcedonian party.
Other scholars (and those who venerate Theodora as a saint) instead
regard Theodora's achievements for women not as a "liberation" allowing
abortion or adultery but rather as a truly egalitarian drive to give
women the same legal rights as men, such as establishing homes for
ex-prostitutes, granting women more rights in divorce cases, allowing
women to own and inherit property, giving mothers some guardianship
rights over their children, and enacting the death penalty for rape, all
of which raised women's status far above the status quo.
There were less charitable acts as well. Rumors spoke of private
dungeons in her quarters into which people she disapproved of
disappeared forever, though such rumors can be found regarding nearly
any royal figure. More congenial is the story of how she sheltered a
deposed patriarch for 12 years without anyone knowing of it.
Theodora died of an unspecified cancer before the age of 50, some 20
years before Justinian died. It should be noted that there is no
documentation to suggest that she died of breast cancer as some scholars
have suggested. Her body was buried in the Church of the Holy Apostles,
one of the splendid churches the emperor and empress had built in
Constantinople. Both Theodora and Justinian are represented in beautiful
mosaics that exist to this day in the Basilica of San Vitale at Ravenna
in northern Italy, which was completed a year before her death.
Justinian I or Justinian the Great (Latin: Flavius Petrus Sabbatius
Iustinianus. 482/483 – November 13 or November 14, 565) was Eastern
Roman Emperor from 527 until his death, and second member of the
Justinian Dynasty, after his uncle Justin I. He is considered a saint
amongst Eastern Orthodox Christians. He has also sometimes been
considered the "Last Roman".
Justinian's rule constitutes a distinct epoch in the history of the
Byzantine Empire, the impact of his administration extending far beyond
the boundaries of his time and his empire. Justinian's reign is marked
by the ambitious but ultimately failed renovatio imperii, "restoration
of the empire". This ambition was expressed in the partial recovery of
the territories of the Western Roman Empire, including the city of Rome
itself; a still more resonant aspect of his legacy was the uniform
rewriting of Roman law, the Corpus Juris Civilis, which is still the
basis of civil law in many modern states. His reign also marked a
blossoming of Byzantine culture, and his building program yielded
masterpieces such as the church of Hagia Sophia, which was to be the
center of Eastern Orthodox Christianity for many centuries. The
devastating Plague of Justinian in the early 540's, however, marked the
end of an age of splendor; after that, the empire entered a period of
decline which would not be reversed until the 9th century. Justinian is
considered a saint in the Eastern Orthodox Church and is also
commemorated by the Lutheran Church.
Procopius provides our primary source for the history of Justinian's
reign. The Syriac chronicle of John of Ephesus, which does not survive,
was used as a source for later chronicles, contributing many additional
details of value. Both historians became very bitter towards Justinian
and his empress, Theodora. Procopius also wrote the Anekdota (the
so-called Secret History), which reports on various scandals at
Justinian's court. Other sources include the histories of Agathias,
Menander Protector, John Malalas, the Paschal Chronicle, the chronicles
of Marcellinus Comes and Victor of Tunnuna.
Justinian was born into a Latin-speaking peasant family in a small
village called Tauresium (near Justiniana Prima, which he founded
later), in what is today the Republic of Macedonia, around 482. He was
born as Petrus Sabbatius; the cognomen Justinianus, which he later took,
is indicative of adoption by his uncle Justin. His mother was Vigilantia,
the sister of Justin, who was in the imperial guard (the Excubitors)
before he became emperor. Justin adopted Justinian, brought him to
Constantinople, and ensured the boy's education. As a result, Justinian
was well educated in jurisprudence, theology and Roman history.
Justinian served for some time with the Excubitors but the details of
his early career are unknown.
When Emperor Anastasius died in 518, Justin was proclaimed the new
emperor, with significant help from Justinian. During Justin's reign
(518-527), Justinian was the emperor's close confidant. Justinian showed
a lot of ambition, and it has been thought that he was functioning as
virtual regent long before Justin made him associate emperor on April 1,
527, although there is no conclusive evidence for this. As Justin became
senile near the end of his reign, Justinian became the de facto ruler.
Justinian was appointed consul in 521, and later commander of the army
of the east. Upon Justin I's death on August 1, 527, Justinian became
the sole sovereign.
The Barberini Ivory, which is thought to portray either Justinian or
Anastasius I. As a ruler, Justinian showed great energy. He was known as
"the Emperor who never sleeps" on account of his work habits.
Nevertheless, he seems to have been amenable and easy to approach.
Justinian's family came from a lowly and provincial background, and
therefore he had no power base in the traditional aristocracy of
Constantinople. Instead, he surrounded himself with men and women of
extraordinary talent, whom he selected not on the basis of aristocratic
origin, but on the basis of merit. Around 525 he married Theodora, who
was by profession a courtesan about 20 years his junior. Justinian would
have, in earlier times, been unable to marry her because of her class,
but his uncle Emperor Justin I had passed a law allowing intermarriage
between social classes. Theodora would become very influential in the
politics of the Empire, and later emperors would follow Justinian's
precedent in marrying outside the aristocratic class. The marriage
caused a scandal, but Theodora would prove to be very intelligent,
"street smart", a good judge of character and Justinian's greatest
supporter. Other talented individuals included Tribonian, his legal
adviser; his finance ministers John the Cappadocian and Peter Barsymes,
who managed to collect taxes more efficiently than any before, thereby
funding Justinian's wars; and finally, his talented general Belisarius.
Also Justinian inherited 400,000 pounds of gold in the treasury from
Anastasius I and Justin I. Justinian's rule was not universally popular;
early in his reign he almost lost his throne during the Nika riots, and
a conspiracy against the emperor's life by dissatisfied businessmen was
discovered as late as 562.
Justinian was struck by the plague in the early 540's, but recovered.
Theodora died, perhaps of cancer, in 548, at a relatively young age, and
Justinian outlived her by almost twenty years. Justinian, who had always
had a keen interest in theological matters and actively participated in
debates on Christian doctrine, became even more devoted to religion
during the later years of his life. When he died, on the night of
November 13-November 14, 565, he left no children. He was succeeded by
Justin II, the son of his sister Vigilantia, who was married to Sophia,
the niece of Empress Theodora. Justinian's body was entombed in a
specially built mausoleum in the Church of the Holy Apostles.
Justinian achieved lasting fame through his judicial reforms,
particularly through the complete revision of all Roman law, something
that had not previously been attempted. The total of Justinian's
legislature is known today as the Corpus juris civilis. It consists of
the Codex Justinianus, the Digesta or Pandectae, the Institutiones, and
the Novellae.
Early in his reign, Justinian appointed the quaestor Tribonian to
oversee this task. The first draft of the Codex Justinianus, a
codification of imperial constitutions from the 2nd century onward, was
issued on April 7, 529. (The final version appeared in 534.) It was
followed by the Digesta (or Pandectae), a compilation of older legal
texts, in 533, and by the Institutiones, a textbook explaining the
principles of law. The Novellae, a collection of new laws issued during
Justinian's reign, supplements the Corpus. As opposed to the rest of the
corpus, the Novellae appeared in Greek, the common language of the
Eastern Empire; Latin, the traditional language of the Roman Empire, was
only poorly understood by most citizens of the Eastern Empire.
The Corpus forms the basis of Latin jurisprudence (including
ecclesiastical Canon Law) and, for historians, provides a valuable
insight into the concerns and activities of the later Roman Empire. As a
collection it gathers together the many sources in which the leges
(laws) and the other rules were expressed or published: proper laws,
senatorial consults (senatusconsulta), imperial decrees, case law, and
jurists' opinions and interpretations (responsa prudentum).
Tribonian's law code ensured the survival of Roman law. It formed the
basis of later Byzantine law, as expressed in the Basilica of Basil I
and Leo VI the Wise. The only western province where the Justinianic
code was introduced was Italy (after the conquest, by the so-called
Pragmatic Sanction of 554), from where it was to pass to Western Europe
in the 12th century and become the basis of much European law code. It
eventually passed to Eastern Europe where it appeared in Slavic
editions, and it also passed on to Russia. It remains influential to
this day.
Justinian's habit of choosing efficient, but unpopular advisors nearly
cost him his throne early in his reign. In January 532, partisans of the
chariot racing factions in Constantinople, normally divided among
themselves, united against Justinian in a revolt that has become known
as the Nika riots. They forced him to dismiss Tribonian and two of his
other ministers, and then attempted to overthrow Justinian himself and
replace him by the senator Hypatius, who was a nephew of the late
emperor Anastasius. While the crowd was rioting in the streets,
Justinian considered fleeing the capital, but he remained in the city on
the advice of Theodora. Shortly thereafter he ordered the brutal
suppression of the riots by his generals Belisarius and Mundus.
Procopius relates that 30,000 unarmed civilians were killed in the
Hippodrome. Justinian had Anastasius' nephews executed.
The destruction that had taken place during the revolt provided
Justinian with an opportunity to tie his name to a series of splendid
new buildings, notably the domed Hagia Sophia.
Military activities
One of the most spectacular features of Justinian's reign was the
recovery of large stretches of land around the Western Mediterranean
basin which had slipped out of imperial control in the 5th century. As a
Christian Roman emperor, Justinian considered it his divine duty to
restore the Roman Empire to its ancient boundaries. Although he never
personally took part in military campaigns, he boasted of his successes
in the prefaces to his laws and had them commemorated in art. The
reconquests were in large part carried out by his general Belisarius.
From his uncle, Justinian inherited ongoing hostilities with the
Sassanid Empire. In 530 a Persian army was defeated at Daraa, but the
next year saw the defeat of Roman forces under Belisarius near
Callinicum. When king Kavadh I of Persia died (September 531), Justinian
concluded an "Eternal Peace" (which cost him 11,000 pounds of gold) with
his successor Khosrau I (532). Having thus secured his eastern frontier,
Justinian turned his attention to the West, where Arian Germanic
kingdoms had been established in the territories of the former Western
Roman Empire.
The first of the western kingdoms Justinian attacked was that of the
Vandals in North Africa. King Hilderic, who had maintained good
relations with Justinian and the North African Catholic clergy, had been
overthrown by his cousin Gelimer in 530. Imprisoned, the deposed king
appealed to Justinian.
In 533, Belisarius with a fleet of 92 dromons escorting 500 transports,
landed at Caput Vada (modern Ras Kaboudia) in modern Tunisia with an
army of about 15,000 men, as well as a number of barbarian troops. They
defeated the Vandals, who were caught completely off-guard, at Ad
Decimum on 14 September 533 and Tricamarum in December; Belisarius took
Carthage. King Gelimer fled to Mount Pappua in Numidia, but surrendered
the next spring. He was taken to Constantinople, where he was paraded in
a triumph. Sardinia and Corsica, the Balearic Islands, and the
stronghold Septem near Gibraltar were recovered in the same campaign.
An African prefecture was established in April 534, but it would teeter
on the brink of collapse during the next 15 years, amidst warfare with
the Moors and military mutinies. The area was not completely pacified
until 548, but remained peaceful thereafter and enjoyed a measure of
prosperity. The recovery of Africa cost the empire about 100,000 pounds
of gold.
As in Africa, dynastic struggles in Ostrogothic Italy provided an
opportunity for intervention. The young king Athalaric had died on 2
October 534, and a usurper, Theodahad, had imprisoned queen Amalasuntha,
Theodoric's daughter and mother of Athalaric, on an island in Lake
Bolsena, where he had her assassinated in 535. Thereupon Belisarius with
7,500 men[27] invaded Sicily (535) and advanced into Italy, sacking
Naples and capturing Rome on 9 December 536. By that time Theodahad had
been deposed by the Ostrogothic army, who had elected Vitigis as their
new king. He gathered a large army and besieged Rome from February 537
to March 538 without being able to retake the city. Justinian sent
another general, Narses, to Italy, but tensions between Narses and
Belisarius hampered the progress of the campaign. Milan was taken, but
was soon recaptured and razed by the Ostrogoths. Justinian recalled
Narses in 539. By then the military situation had turned in favour of
the Romans, and in 540 Belisarius reached the Ostrogothic capital
Ravenna. There he was offered the title of Western Roman Emperor by the
Ostrogoths at the same time that envoys of Justinian were arriving to
negotiate a peace which would leave the region north of the river Po in
Gothic hands. Belisarius feigned to accept the offer, entered the city
in May 540, and reclaimed it for the Empire. Then, having been recalled
by Justinian, Belisarius returned to Constantinople, taking the captured
Vitigis and his wife Matasuentha with him.
Modern or early modern drawing of a medallion celebrating the reconquest
of Africa, c. 535Belisarius had been recalled in the face of renewed
hostilities by the Persians. Following a revolt against Byzantium in
Armenia in the late 530s and possibly motivated by the pleas of
Ostrogothic ambassadors, king Khosrau I broke the "Eternal Peace" and
invaded Roman territory in the spring of 540.[29] He first sacked Beroea
and then Antioch (allowing the garrison of 6,000 men to leave the city),
besieged Daras, and then went on to attack the small but strategically
significant satellite kingdom of Lazica near the Black Sea, exacting
tribute from the towns he passed along his way. He forced Justinian I to
pay him 5,000 pounds of gold, plus 500 pounds of gold more each year.
Belisarius arrived in the East in 541, but, after some success, was
again recalled to Constantinople in 542. The reasons for his withdrawal
are not known, but it may have been instigated by rumours of disloyalty
on behalf of the general reaching the court. The outbreak of the plague
caused a lull in the fighting during the year 543. The following year
Khosrau defeated a Byzantine army of 30,000 men, but unsuccessfully
besieged the major city of Edessa. Both parties made little headway, and
in 545 a truce was agreed upon for the southern part of the
Roman-Persian frontier. After that the Lazic War in the North continued
for several years, until a second truce in 557, followed by a Fifty
Years' Peace in 562. Under its terms, the Persians agreed to abandon
Lazica in exchange for an annual tribute of 400 or 500 pounds of gold
(30,000 solidi) to be paid by the Romans.
While military efforts were directed to the East, the situation in Italy
took a turn for the worse. Under their respective kings Ildibad and
Eraric (both murdered in 541) and especially Totila, the Ostrogoths made
quick gains. After a victory at Faenza in 542, they reconquered the
major cities of Southern Italy and soon held almost the entire
peninsula. Belisarius was sent back to Italy late in 544, but lacked
sufficient troops. Making no headway, he was relieved of his command in
548. Belisarius succeeded in defeating a Gothic fleet with 200 ships.
During this period the city of Rome changed hands three more times,
first taken and depopulated by the Ostrogoths in December 546, then
reconquered by the Byzantines in 547, and then again by the Goths in
January 550. Totila also plundered Sicily and attacked the Greek
coastlines. Finally, Justinian dispatched a force of approximately
35,000 men (2,000 men were detached and sent to invade southern
Visigothic Spain) under the command of Narses. The Byzantine Roman army
reached Ravenna in June 552, and defeated the Ostrogoths decisively
within a month at the battle of Busta Gallorum in the Apennines, where
Totila was slain. After a second battle at Mons Lactarius in October
that year, the resistance of the Ostrogoths was finally broken. In 554,
a large-scale Frankish invasion was defeated at Casilinum, and Italy
secured for the Empire, even though it would take Narses several years
to reduce the remaining Gothic strongholds. The recovery of Italy cost
the empire about 300,000 pounds of gold.
Other campaigns
In addition to the other conquests, the Eastern Empire established a
presence in Visigothic Spain, when the usurper Athanagild requested
assistance in his rebellion against king Agila. In 552, Justinian
dispatched a force under the octogenarian Liberius, who had served under
the Ostrogoth kings of Italy since the 490s. The Byzantines took
Cartagena and other cities on the southeastern coast and founded the new
province of Spania before being checked by their former ally Athanagild,
who had by now become king. This campaign marked the apogee of Byzantine
During Justinian's reign, the Balkans suffered from several incursions
by the Turkic and Slavic peoples who lived north of the Danube. Here,
Justinian resorted mainly to a combination of diplomacy and a system of
defensive works. In 559 a particularly dangerous invasion of Sklavinoi
and Kutrigurs under their khan Zabergan threatened Constantinople, but
they were repulsed by the aged general Belisarius.
The enlargement of the Byzantine Empire's territory between the rise to
power of Justinian (red, 527) and his death (orange, 565)Justinian's
ambition to restore the Roman Empire to its former glory was only partly
realised. In the West, the brilliant early military successes of the
530s were followed by years of stagnation. The dragging war with the
Goths was a disaster for Italy, even though its long-lasting effects may
have been less severe than is sometimes thought. The heavy taxes that
the administration imposed upon its population were deeply resented.
While the final victory in Italy and the conquest of the coast of
southern Spain significantly enlarged the area over which Byzantium
could project its power and influence, and while they must have
contributed to the empire's prestige, most of the conquests proved
ephemeral. The greater part of Italy would be lost to the invading
Lombards three years after Justinian's death (568), and within a century
and a half Africa and Spain were forever lost for the empire.
Events of the later years of the reign showed that Constantinople itself
was not safe from barbarian incursions from the north, and even the
relatively benevolent historian Menander Protector felt the need to
explain the emperor's failure to protect the capital from the weakness
of his body in his old age. In his efforts to renew the old Roman
Empire, Justinian dangerously stretched the resources of the Eastern
Empire while failing to take into account the changed realities of
6th-century Europe. Paradoxically, Justinian's military successes
probably contributed to the empire's subsequent decline.
Justinian was one of the first emperors to be depicted wielding the
cross on the obverse of a coin.Justinian I, depicted on an AE Follis
coin. As with his secular administration, despotism appeared also in the
emperor's ecclesiastical policy. He regulated everything, both in
religion and in law.
At the very beginning of his reign, he deemed it proper to promulgate by
law the Church's belief in the Trinity and the Incarnation; and to
threaten all heretics with the appropriate penalties; whereas he
subsequently declared that he intended to deprive all disturbers of
orthodoxy of the opportunity for such offense by due process of law. He
made the Nicaeno-Constantinopolitan creed the sole symbol of the Church,
and accorded legal force to the canons of the four ecumenical councils.
The bishops in attendance at the Second Council of Constantinople in 553
recognized that nothing could be done in the Church contrary to the
emperor's will and command; while, on his side, the emperor, in the case
of the Patriarch Anthimus, reinforced the ban of the Church with
temporal proscription. Justinian protected the purity of the church by
suppressing heretics. He neglected no opportunity for securing the
rights of the Church and clergy, for protecting and extending
monasticism. He granted the monks the right to inherit property from
private citizens and the right to receive solemnia or annual gifts from
the imperial treasury or from the taxes of certain provinces and he
prohibited lay confiscation on monastic estates.
Although the despotic character of his measures is contrary to modern
sensibilities, he was indeed a "nursing father" of the Church. Both the
Codex and the Novellae contain many enactments regarding donations,
foundations, and the administration of ecclesiastical property; election
and rights of bishops, priests and abbots; monastic life, residential
obligations of the clergy, conduct of divine service, episcopal
jurisdiction, etc. Justinian also rebuilt the Church of Hagia Sophia
(which cost 20,000 pounds of gold), the original site having been
destroyed during the Nika riots. The new Hagia Sophia, with its numerous
chapels and shrines, gilded octagonal dome, and mosaics, became the
centre and most visible monument of Eastern Orthodoxy in Constantinople.
From the middle of the fifth century onward increasingly arduous tasks
confronted the emperors of the East in ecclesiastical matters. For one
thing, the radicals on all sides felt themselves constantly repelled by
the creed adopted by the Council of Chalcedon to defend the biblical
doctrine of the nature of Christ and bridge the gap between the dogmatic
parties. The letter of Pope Leo I to Flavian of Constantinople was
widely considered in the East as the work of Satan; so that nobody cared
to hear of the Church of Rome. The emperors, however, had a policy of
preserving the unity between Constantinople and Rome; and this remained
possible only if they did not swerve from the line defined at Chalcedon.
In addition, the factions in the East which had become stirred up and
disaffected because of Chalcedon needed restraining and pacifying. This
problem proved the more difficult because, in the East, the dissenting
groups exceeded supporters of Chalcedon both in numerical strength and
in intellectual ability. Tension from the incompatibility of the two
aims grew: whoever chose Rome and the West must renounce the East, and
vice versa.
Justinian entered the arena of ecclesiastical statecraft shortly after
his uncle's accession in 518, and put an end to the Monophysite schism
that had prevailed between Rome and Byzantium since 483. The recognition
of the Roman see as the highest ecclesiastical authority remained the
cornerstone of his Western policy. Offensive as it was to many in the
East, nonetheless Justinian felt himself entirely free to take a
Despotic stance toward the popes such as Silverius and Vigilius. While
no compromise could ever be accepted by the dogmatic wing of the church,
his sincere efforts at reconciliation gained him the approval of the
major body of the church. A signal proof was his attitude in the
Theopaschite controversy. At the outset he was of the opinion that the
question turned on a quibble of words. By degrees, however, Justinian
came to understand that the formula at issue not only appeared orthodox,
but might also serve as a conciliatory measure toward the Monophysites,
and he made a vain attempt to do this in the religious conference with
the followers of Severus of Antioch, in 533.
Again, Justinian moved toward compromise in the religious edict of March
15, 533, and congratulated himself that Pope John II admitted the
orthodoxy of the imperial confession. The serious blunder that he had
made at the beginning by abetting a severe persecution of the
Monophysite bishops and monks and thereby embittering the population of
vast regions and provinces, he remedied eventually. His constant aim now
remained to win over the Monophysites, yet not to surrender the
Chalcedonian faith. For many at court, he did not go far enough:
Theodora especially would have rejoiced to see the Monophysites favoured
unreservedly. Justinian, however, felt restrained by the complications
that would have ensued with the West. But in the condemnation of the
Three Chapters Justinian tried to satisfy both the East and the West,
but succeeded in satisfying neither. Although the pope assented to the
condemnation, the West believed that the emperor had acted contrary to
the decrees of Chalcedon. Though many delegates emerged in the East
subservient to Justinian, many, especially the Monophysites, remained
unsatisfied; all the more bitter for him because during his last years
he took an even greater interest in theological matters.
Justinian was one of the first emperors to be depicted wielding the
cross on the obverse of a coin. Justinian's religious policy reflected
the imperial conviction that the unity of the Empire unconditionally
presupposed unity of faith; and it appeared to him obvious that this
faith could be only the Orthodox (Nicaean). Those of a different belief
had to recognize that the process of consolidation, which imperial
legislation had effected from the time of Constantius II, would now
vigorously continue. The Codex contained two statutes which decreed the
total destruction of paganism, even in private life; these provisions
were zealously enforced. Contemporary sources (John Malalas, Theophanes,
John of Ephesus) tell of severe persecutions, even of men in high
Perhaps the most noteworthy event occurred in 529 when the Neoplatonic
Academy of Athens was placed under state control by order of Justinian,
effectively strangling this training-school for Hellenism. Paganism was
actively suppressed. In Asia Minor alone, John of Ephesus claimed to
have converted 70,000 pagans. Other peoples also accepted Christianity:
the Heruli, the Huns dwelling near the Don, the Abasgi, and the Tzani in
The worship of Amun at Augila in the Libyan desert was abolished; and so
were the remnants of the worship of Isis on the island of Philae, at the
first cataract of the Nile. The Presbyter Julian and the Bishop Longinus
conducted a mission among the Nabataeans, and Justinian attempted to
strengthen Christianity in Yemen by despatching a bishop from Egypt.
The Jews, too, had to suffer; for not only did the authorities restrict
their civil rights, and threaten their religious privileges, but the
emperor interfered in the internal affairs of the synagogue, and
forbade, for instance, the use of the Hebrew language in divine worship.
The recalcitrant were threatened with corporal penalties, exile, and
loss of property. The Jews at Borium, not far from Syrtis Major, who
resisted Belisarius in his Vandal campaign, had to embrace Christianity;
their synagogue became a church.
The emperor had much trouble with the Samaritans, finding them
refractory to Christianity and repeatedly in insurrection. He opposed
them with rigorous edicts, but yet could not prevent hostilities towards
Christians from taking place in Samaria toward the close of his reign.
The consistency of Justinian's policy meant that the Manicheans too
suffered severe persecution, experiencing both exile and threat of
capital punishment. At Constantinople, on one occasion, not a few
Manicheans, after strict inquisition, were executed in the emperor's
very presence: some by burning, others by drowning.
Justinian was a prolific builder; the historian Procopius bears witness
to his activities in this area. Under Justinian's patronage the San
Vitale in Ravenna, which features two famous mosaics representing
Justinian and Theodora, was completed. Most notably, he had the Hagia
Sophia, originally a basilica style church that had been burnt down
during the Nika riots, splendidly rebuilt according to a completely
different ground plan. This new cathedral, with its magnificent dome
filled with mosaics, remained the centre of eastern Christianity for
centuries. Another prominent church in the capital, the Church of the
Holy Apostles, which had been in a very poor state near the end of the
5th century, was likewise rebuilt. Works of embellishment were not
confined to churches alone: excavations at the site of the Great Palace
of Constantinople have yielded several high-quality mosaics dating from
Justinian's reign, and a column topped by a (now lost) bronze statue of
Justinian on horseback and dressed in a military costume was erected in
the Augustaeum in Constantinople in 543. It is possible that rivalry
with other, more established patrons from the Constantinopolitan
aristocracy may have enforced Justinian's building activities in the
Justinian also strengthened the borders of the empire through the
construction of fortifications, and assured Constantinople of its water
supply through construction of underground cisterns. During his reign a
bridge over the river Sangarius was built, securing a major trade route.
Furthermore, Justinian restored cities damaged by earthquake or war and
built a new city near his place of birth called Justiniana Prima.
In Justinian's era, and partly under his patronage, Byzantine culture
produced noteworthy historians, including Procopius and Agathias, and
poets such as Paul the Silentiary and Romanus the Melodist flourished
during his reign. On the other hand, centers of learning as the Platonic
Academy in Athens and the famous law school of Beirut lost their
importance during his reign. Another ancient institution, the Roman
consulate, was abolished in 541.
As was the case under Justinian's predecessors, the empire's economic
health rested primarily on agriculture. In addition long-distance trade
flourished, reaching as far north as Cornwall where tin was exchanged
for Roman corn. Within the empire, convoys sailing from Alexandria
provided Constantinople with corn, and Justinian made the traffic more
efficient by building a large granary on the island of Tenedos for
storage and further transport to Constantinople. Justinian also tried to
find new routes for the eastern trade, which was suffering badly from
the wars with the Persians. One important luxury product was silk, which
was imported and then processed in the empire. In order to protect the
manufacture of silk products, Justinian granted a monopoly to the
imperial factories in 541. In order to bypass the Persian landroute,
Justinian established friendly relations with the Abyssinians, whom he
wanted to act as trade mediators by transporting Indian silk to the
empire; the Abyssinians, however, were unable to compete with the
Persian merchants in India. Then, in the early 550s, two monks succeeded
in smuggling eggs of silk worms from Central Asia back to
Constantinople, and silk became an indigenous Byzantine product.
Under Justinian's rule, measures were taken to counter corruption in the
provinces and to make tax collection more efficient. Greater
administrative power was given to both the leaders of the prefectures
and of the provinces, while power was taken away from the vicariates of
the dioceses, of which a number were abolished. The overall trend was
towards a simplification of administrative infrastructure. According to
Brown, the increased professionalisation of tax collection did much to
destroy the traditional structures of provincial life, as it weakened
the autonomy of the town councils in the Greek towns.
Throughout Justinian's reign, the cities and villages of the East
prospered, although Antioch was struck by two earthquakes (526, 528) and
sacked and evacuated by the Persians (540). Justinian had the city
rebuilt, but on a slightly smaller scale.
Despite all these measures, the empire suffered several major setbacks
in the course of the 6th century. The first one was the plague, which
lasted from 541 to 543 and, by decimating the empire's population,
probably created a scarcity of labour and a rising of wages. The lack of
manpower also led to a significant increase in the number of
"barbarians" in the Byzantine armies after the early 540s. The
protracted war in Italy and the wars with the Persians themselves laid a
heavy burden on the empire's resources, and Justinian was criticized for
curtailing the government-run post service, which he limited to only one
eastern route of military importance. Also under Justinian I, the army
which had once numbered 645,000 men in Roman times, shrank to 150,000
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