TransAnatolie TA0602: 15 Day Turkey Cultural Historical Heritage Tour:
Cappadocia, Black Sea and Eastern Anatolia -Turkey Exploration Tour:
Cultural, Historical and Archaeological Heritage Tour to East Anatolia
Turkey: TransAnatolie East Turkey.
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Day 1: Europe-Ankara.
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Day 2: Ankara-Hattusas (Hattusha)-Amasya (336 km)
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Day 3: Amasya-Niksar-Ordu-Giresun (320 km)
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Day 4: Giresun-Trabzon (130 km)
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Day 5: Trabzon-Macka-Gümushane-Bayburt-Erzurum (342 km)
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Day 6: Erzurum – Ani – Kars – Dogubayazit (434 km)
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Day 7: Dogubayazit – Van (152km)
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Day 8: Van (100 km)
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Day 9: Van – Tatvan – Biltis – Silvan –Tigris – Hassuni – Diyarbakir –
Mardin (451km)
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Day 10: Mesopotamia: Mardin – Urfa – Harran – Kahta (408 km)
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Day 11: Kahta – Nemrut Dagi – Kahta – Antioche (351 km)
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Day 12: Antioch – Alexandrette – Tarse – Gülek – Tyana – Nigde –
Nevsehir (479km)
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Day 13: Cappadocia (80km)
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Day 14: Cappadocia: Roses Valley – Pasabaga – Underground city of
Saratli – Pizze Tower in Aksaray – Acemhöyük – Salty Lake – Ankara
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Day 15: Ankara – Departure.
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TransAnatolie Tour: Multilingual Cultural Tour Provider and Operator.
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Arrival in Ankara. Transfer to the 4 star Hotel with high QoS and for a
welcome drink, dinner and overnight.
After breakfast, visit to the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, where
the 1995 World Fair took place. We continue with the visit in the old
part of Ankara to the beautiful wooden palaces dated from the Ottoman
period, to the Ethnographical Museum Zeger Pacha’s Kanagi and to the
Spices Market. We don’t forget to take some pictures of the Atatürk
Lunch will be taken in the Hacibey restaurant, the most famous Döner
Kebab in Ankara, next to the Deputies Quarter.
In the afternoon, we head towards Hattusas, the Hittite Capital with its
city-walls, its Lion Gate, its underground Gate, its King Gate and its
Hittite Pantheon. We finally reach Yazilikaya.
Let’s admire the sunset on the city of the Amesis Amazons, place of
birth of the famous architect-geographer Strabon: Amasya. Let’s walk
along the Green River, admiring the wooden houses and the graves cut in
the rock and the castle. We end our day at our hotel **** with a welcome
drink and a very nice delicious dinner.
After breakfast, we leave our hotel for a new visit of Amasya, where we
can admire the Mosque of the Beyazit Sultan, the Burmali Minare Mosque ,
Darüssifa-Bimarhabe, the Mosque of the Blue Medrese Gök, the
Archaeological Museum, a few other museums, the Ethnographical Museum of
Hazeranlar Konagi.
Why not a few pictures of the graves cut in the rock, of the historical
bridges, of the fountains, of the wooden houses along the Green River
and of the Torumtay Mausoleum, built in 1266. Lunch in Amasya.
Then we drive along the Green River up to Niksar, admiring this amazing
landscape through a winding road across the Bridge Mountains. In Ordu
starts the region of the nuts cultivation and we can admire nice views
on the fields and the sea.
Overnight is planned in the "*** Hotel in Giresun, where numerous cherry
trees grow. Their sweet cherries are also named ‘Birds Cherries’.
Following the legend, the Roman General Lucullus taking over the city in
69 before JC, would have introduced the cherrytrees cultivation in
After breakfast, head towards Trabzon admiring on the way the coast of
the Euxine Sea.
In Trabzon, we visit one of the main interesting parts of Trebizonde:
the Church of Aya Sofia with its bright frescos.
Aya Sofia was at first a church in a form of a cross transformed into a
basilica with 3 naves built during the domination of the Manuel Commene
I dynasty in the 13th century. Thereafter it was enlarged and lifted
several times.
The Southern side of the church has a very beautiful portal embellished
with wonderful sculptures, mainly friezes depicting Adam and Eve,
mythological figures and flower patterns. The most beautiful frescos can
be found in the narthex (entrance portal). Here are depicted miracles of
the New Testament such as the Christ walking on the waters, the miracle
of the loaves and fishes, and the healing of the Blinds. End of day we
arrive at our hotel "*** for dinner and overnight.
After breakfast, we first visit the Sumela Monastery, cling to the hill
and located next to the Altindere Park and to the Golden River with the
same name. The name Sumela is a deformation with shortening of the Greek
‘Panagia Theotokos toumelas’, the very Holy Mother of God from the black
That Monastery, now deserted and difficult of access, is located at
1,200 meters high. The last 250 meters have to be done by foot or with a
van. It is remarkable by its impressive frescos of the Church built in
the rocks and is part of the list of monuments of UNESCO.
We continue our trip through the Bridge Mountains, driving up via Torul
towards Gümüshane (1,250 m) and Bayburt (1,600 m) across the Kop-Gecidi
(2,302 m) towards Erzurum, at 1,950m.
Lunch in a typical restaurant in Bayburt, at the foot of the Bayburt
Burch, on the Coruh River.
In the late afternoon, in Erzurum-Karin named ‘the Roman Country’ by the
Seldjoukids, we visit the Great Mosque with the three Kumbets, the
School of Astronomy and Medicine of the Koran with its twin minarets.
This one is representative of the oriental art: patterns and tiles made
of turquoise earthenware. It was built by the daughter of the
Seldjoukide Sultan Aladdin Kaykubat. We still are in Central Asia…
We finally arrive in our hotel ****, wintersports resort on the
Palandöken Mountain for our dinner and overnight.
In the morning, after breakfast, we head towards the Transcaucasian to
Between Pasinler and Horasan, we make a stop to admire the Cobandebe
Bridge, the most beautiful bridge in the world, built by Mimar Sinan,
contemporary and friend of Michel-Angelo, and Master-Architect of
Suleiman the Magnificent.
We follow the Aras River for about 140 km. Ani is located 45km east from
Kars and 248km from Erzurum on the border between Turkey and the
Armenian Republic. This city is located on an important commercial road
and has expanded to finally become the capital of Armenia in 961.
At that time, there were more than 100,000 inhabitants and thousands of
The earthquakes and wars against the Byzantine, the Turks and the
Mongols put an end to this prosperity age. The earthquake of 1319 was
the end of the city. The ruins of the deserted city were found back just
after the end of the 19th century. We can still find many ruins of
Armenian and Seldjoukide monuments gathered in a limited area: the big
Cathedral, the Church of the Savior, the Church of St Gregory, the
Mosque of Honentz, the Seldjoukide Palace with its harem and selam, the
Turkish bath (hammam) and the Seldjoukide market.
After lunch in the restaurant Ocakbasi in Kars, known for its oriental
specialties, we have the possibility to take pictures of the Cathedral
of the Apostles and the Castle of Kars.
We follow our trip towards Agri (or Dogubayazit) admiring on the way the
impressive landscape of the Ararat Mountain (5,165m) and of the small
Ararat Mountain (3,896m). This name ‘Ararat’ is mentioned several times
in the Old Testament: the Book of Genesis (8,4) mentions the episode of
the grounding of the Noah’s Ark after the fload on the Ararat Mount.
In the Book of Kings, we can read how the murderers of the Assyrian King
Sanherib, the administrator of Jerusalem, ran away towards the Ararat
Mount. In addition, in the Book of Jeremiah, during the campaign against
Babylon, the name ‘Ararat’ is mentioned as an ally of the Israelites.
Ararat is another form of the Acadian name ‘Urartu’.
Everything is impressive in this landscape: land tortoises, eagles,
partridges, hawks, numerous species of flowers and plants, foxes and
sheep make up an animal and floral richness on the hillsides of the
Ararat Mount. End of day, we arrive at our 4 star hotel for dinner and
After breakfast, visit to the spectacular Ishak Pacha Palace, located
7km far from the city, at the foot of the Ararat Mount.
At that place, a monument Urartu already existed in 1,000 before JC,
which was restored in 1784 and embellished to become a palace fortified
by the Ottoman Empire Ishak Pacha. This palace was built in different
styles, the most important being Osman Baroque from the 17th century.
Once built, Ishak Pacha made cut off the hands of the architect to
prevent him from building such beautiful palace for another person.
Without the terraces, this palace is 115m long and 50m largen, includes
336 rooms distributed on 2 floors and reminds you of the Tales from the
Turkish Nights.
Lunch in Dogubayazit and start to Van (1,750m) via the Tendurek Pass
Before arriving in Van-Tuspan, we make a stop at the Muradiye
waterfalls, a patch of paradise next to Van, located at 1,700m high on
the shore of the largest lake in the country, where we can admire many
Armenian churches. The old city of Tuspa was founded by the Ourarit in
the 9th century before JC. The Kingdom of Urartu included a large part
of the Middle-East and that civilization reached its apogee between 900
and 600 before JC.
This period was followed by a decline, provoked by the war against the
Assyrians and the invasion of the Scythians and the Medes. Alexander the
Great ruled this area for some time Then, after a Persian period, this
territory was rules by the Armenians. Van became a Byzantine city and
was destroyed by the Mongols in 1387. Persians and Osmans fought to get
the domination on this territory. Finally, the Osmans developed the
Arriving in Van, we visit the fortress, accessible via a stair with
1,000 steps from which we can admire the lake at sunset.
The founder of Urartu, Sardur I, built here in the 9th century, a
fortress on a chalky crest of 1,000 m long and 100m high, to protect
himself from the Assyrians. A grave with several urns were found during
excavations at the foot of the northern side. On the southern hillside
of the fortress, we can discover funeral rooms cut in the rock for
Ourart Kings. In those graves, we can find Rupestrian inscriptions
engraved in cuneiform characters by the Ourart Kings and trilingual
inscriptions (in Babylonian, in Persian, Achemenide and in Media) done
in the 5th century by the Persian King Xerxes, who says: "Xerxes, the
Great King of the Kings".
We dine and overnight at our high QoS Hotel (4 star) in Van or Urfa
depending upon the conditions at the time of concern.
After breakfast we make a stop in a leather cooperative to get to know
the art of Eastern Turkey. The Kilims of Van are famous for the
Turkish-Kurdish patterns and for the Armenian and Persian drawings.
We continue to the Citadel of Cavustepe located on a hill at 28km south
of Van, which is a good example of the architectural art of the Ourart
civilization. Two different fortresses can be distinguished: the upper
fortress and the lower fortress. In the upper part, we can find the
remains of a temple, while in the lower part are the ruins of a palace,
a complex of temples, graves of prices and a stock of provisions with 30
barrels on which we can still see the measures in cuneiform characters.
This whole would have been the fortress ‘Sardurihurda’ of the King
Sargon II in the 8th century before JC.
Lunch will be taken on the island of Akdamar, 4 km far from the shore.
This now desolated island was a religious centre 1,000 years ago and was
the seat of the Armenian patriarchate for centuries. We can also admire
the Church of the Holy Cross, one of the most beautiful Armenian
churches we could see. This Church was founded by the King of
Vaspourakan Gaguig Ardzrouni (904-937) and is particularly well-known
for the sculptures of the outdoor walls, where we can find mostly
representations of the Old and New Testament such as: Adam and Eve, the
Noah history, the Sacrifice of Abraham, Samson, David against Goliath,
the Hebrews in the blazing fire, Mary with Jesus and the Christ on his
The reliefs of the abbassid Calif Muktadir show us an exceptional mix of
Christian and Islamic art. That church was widened several times over
the centuries, with for example a chapel on the North, a large porch and
a church tower.
Today, the restaurant Deniz from Gevas has prepared us an unforgettable
At the end of the day, at sunset, we make a stop to visit the
Seldjoukide necropolis and to admire the charms of a Turkish princess.
Eventually we go back to our hotel in Van for dinner and overnight.
After breakfast we leave Van for a diversified day and we drive to the
south of the lake via the Kuskunkiran pass (2,234m) towards Tatvan at
about 145km far away. By going along the valley of the river watering
Bitlis, capital of the Turkish tobacco located in the middle of a fresh
oasis, we reach the famous Bridge of Malabadi built in 1146 by the
Artukides on the Batman Suyu, one of the affluents of the Tigris, love
of Euphrates.
Lunch is planned to be taken in Silvan-Tigranokerta, built during the
Assyrian period and visited by Alexander the Great. This city was
developed by the King Tigran the Great and is built on the old site of
Martyropolis, founded by the Bishop Marutha in the late 4th century.
This name was given in memory of the 40 Christian martyrs executed
during the second period of the Persian Kingdom. Constantine the Great
restored the Silvan Castle to use it as a military garrison.
Euphrates pursues Tigris
Worth to note also that during World War I, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was
the commander against the war with the Russians and captured the cities
of Mus and Bitlis back from the Russians.
After the lunch taken with the burgomaster of Silvan, we visit the
Mosque of Selhattin Eyyoubi, the destroyed minaret, the Church of
Kildan, the Museum of Atatürk, the Caves of Temtemburg, Hamido, the
numerous troglodyte houses (+/- 300), the Castle of Hassuni as well as
fountains and watermills. The restoration of this site was paid by the
EC included in the protection of monuments.
Arriving in Diyarbakir, we can admire the impressive walls built with
black basalt, which are one of the most beautiful types of military
architecture of the Middle Age. The foundation of those walls, 5,5 km
long having a fish shape, date back from the Roman period (349 after
JC). We don’t forget to take pictures of the Tigris Delta and of the
bridge over it.
This bridge was built by the metropolite Jean Slara in 512. From there
the Tigris was only navigable at that time with "keleks’ (small boats
made of pumped up animal skins).
Our 4 star hotel is at your service in Diyarbakir or in Mardin for
dinner and overnight.
After breakfast we walk around the town of Mardin, which is a poetic
city located at 1,300 m high on a hill topped by a citadel. It was known
at first as Marida and built on the rocks. But it has since then lost
its population of Catholic Armenians.
According to the English historian Arnold Toynbee, this would be the
most beautiful town in the world thanks to its typical Arab
architecture.The small streets of Mardin display highly decorated houses
with chalky stones with a typical arab style. The medrese of the Sultan
Isa Bey (1385) is one of the most important sites of Mardin. This
medrese is a mosque with a school of astronomy, medicine, Coranic
containing a door decorated with wonderful bas-relief.
From the Medrese roof, we have a beautiful view on the city and on the
plains of Mesopotamia. After the visit to the Big Mosque, we head
towards Deir-Az-Zafaran or Deyrulzaferan, which is located in the middle
of vines and gardens in an inhospitable landscape.
The majority of the Syrian-Orthodox patriarches is buried here. Until
1933, this monastery was also the siege of the patriarcate, now
transferred to Damas. It was founded at the time of the ancestors of
Mary and Ananie in the 6th century.
Lunch in Urfa, the old Edesse, historical city of the bible where
Abraham, Job, Jacob and even St Gregory lived. The most well-known
restaurant of Edesse, named Göl, with its typical Mesopotamian dishes,
is in the Abraham garden.
We visit the houses of Abraham in Urfa named Ursu, Orkai and Edesse. It
is said that the Assyrian King Nemrut had a dream in which it was
mentioned that he would have to give his kingdom to a person born during
the year. Therefore he ordered to kill all newborn childs of the year as
well as pregnant women.
Harran Emevi Mosque Mardin Ulu Camii, Grand Mosque Urfa Halil Ibrahim
Nona concealed her pregnancy and hid her son Abraham in a cave, where he
lived in until he was 7. Once grown up, Abraham fought against Nemrut
but was trapped and condemned to be burnt at the stake. Then God
intervened and transformed fire into water, sparks and ashes into carps.
This water now flows in 2 ponds where Holy carps are swimming.
Edesse played also an important role during the first Christianism
centuries as it was named the ‘City of Apostle St Thomas’ and was the
centre of the Armenian Christendom as well as the home of the oriental
Syrian Church.
We know also the legend of the King Abgar from Edesse and of
‘Mandylion’, a Jesus icon created miraculously: when Abgar was suffering
from leprosy, an ambassador was sent to Jesus to ask for healing. Jesus
dried his forehead with a cloth (mandylion) which was given to the
ambassador. This cloth, found back in 544, was hidden in a wall of the
city and became the priceless possession of Edesse. In 944, this relic
was transferred to Constantinople and was then stolen by the Crusaders
in 1204 to be brought back to the West, where it disappeared. For the
orthodox Christians, this icon represents the real face of Jesus.
At the end of the day, we arrive in Harran, the warmest spot in Turkey
but also one of the most picturesque villages in the region. This city,
where Abraham lived during his trip towards Canaan, is also considered
traditionally as the place where the old Testament was written. This
village, located at the crossroads of the caravans, was an important
trading place with a large international traffic and had also a
significant religious activity.
The Mesopotamian, Greek and Roman divinities were venerated over there.
This era ended in the 13th century when the Mongols razed the city. We
can admire there the typical houses (Trulli) ant-hill shaped and built
with clay, with a roof as a painted dome. They were barns permitting to
keep foodstuffs in a cool place in the summer and in a hot place in the
winter. Harran was surroundered by a wall, which is now in ruins but
which is still recognizable with its 7 doors to get into the city.
After that visit, we head towards our final destination Kahta at the
foot of Nemrut Dagi and towards our hotel Nemrut ***, for a welcome
drink, dinner and overnight.
Today we leave early with the bus, warmly dressed to visit one of the
most outstanding sites of our trip: Nemrut Dagi. The sculptors of the
Sovereign of Commagen, Antiochos, built an impressive sanctuary on this
huge plateau. And as Antiochos was seeing himself as a god, he added his
own effigy to the unity.
It is better to contemplatz this place at sunrise, when the status are
well lighted up.
The funeral monument of Antiochos I (69-36 before JC), at the top of the
mountain Nemrut (2,150m), was built by this King for himself and his
close family.
Antiochos was descented by his father Mithridate from the King of Persia
Darius and by his mother Laodike from Alexander the Great.
Commagen was a buffer region between the Greek, the Roman and the
Persian properties, which explains the multi-cultural character of
religious expressions.
Excavations were carried out on this mountain by the German engineer
Sester in 1881, which enabled to bring to light the huge statues.
This tumulus, 160 m high and 150m diameter is made of 2 terraces:
The Eastern Terrace: we can find statues of gods, from 8 to 9 meters
high, in a sitting position with the back turned towards the tumulus.
They are very well preserved, except the majority of the heads, which
are missing. However, 2 heads are still intact. The representation, from
left to the right, is as follows: Apollo, Mithras, Helios, Hermes
(light), Tychne (fertility), Zeus, Oromasdes (creator), Antiochus I,
Heracles, Verathragna, Artagnes (power and courage), every statue with a
lion and an eagle as protective animal.
The Western Terrace: the statues of the gods are placed in the same
order as on the eastern terrace but their state of preservation is
worse. Only heads lying down on the ground are still intact. This
terrace has no altar. The two lions on the terraces are the oldest
representations of the horoscope in the world: they wear a half-moon and
19 stars around their neck, including the 3 largest in conjunction
symbolizing the planets Jupiter, Mars and Mercury.
Then, we leave towards Antioch, where we will appreciate Arab
specialties during lunch.
In 307 before JC, Antigone founded Antigonia, which was supplanted seven
years later by another city founded by order of Seleucus I Nicator,
general of Alexander the Great. This city named Antioch expanded very
rapidly, so as to become one of the most prosperous and powerful cities
in Asia Minor. It was even the 3rd city in the Roman Empire and then
became the centre of Christendom at the time of Apostles Peter and Paul.
In Antioch we visit the Caves of Peter, an old cult centre in the rocks,
used by the Christians as a prayer place. The Archaeological Museum
displays interesting architectural achievements, exceptional Roman
sculptures and mosaics famous throughout the world.
Dinner and overnight is our 4 star hotel.
Possibility to do evening activities in the typical streets of Antioch
along the Orante River.
After breakfast, we leave Antioch towards Daphne, where the nymph Daphne
pursued by Apollon, was transformed into a bay tree. We finally arrive
in Tarsus, birth place of St Paul, going through Issos, where Alexander
the Great and Darius III met.
We visit the Well and House of St Paul before having lunch in the
surroundings and walking to discover this Holy place.
Then we head towards Cappadocia going through Gülek, Tyana and Nigde,
garrison place of Alexander the Great. We visit the Tyana aqueduct, the
Roman swimming pool, the Great Mosque of Nigde, a very delicate city
dated from the Seljuks period with the Princess Mausoleum.
We continue towards Nevsehir. At the 4 star hotel of high QoS we have
buffet dinner and overnight.
Possibility to do a tour in hot-air balloon in the morning upon
The whole day is dedicated to the discovery of this unique region. The
wind and the violent climatic forces have carved curious characters out
of tuff. Seeing the "Fairies" chimneys looks like a lunar plateau.
We visit the open-air museum in Göreme, with its churches in the rocks,
the Pigeons Valley and Uchisar. We follow by the visit to a carpets
school and store as well as to onyx and leather workshops. Lunch will be
taken during those visits.
Dinner and overnight at our hotel ****.
Possibility to attend an evening with traditional dances.
After buffet breakfast, we leave to discover another aspect of
Cappadocia with the Roses Valley, the Camel Valley, the Virgin Mary
Valley, Pasabag, a part of the Zelve Valley, the impressive underground
city of Saratli, dedicated to Simone and Jean Vandelft, the Minaret Egri
of Aksaray, Pizze of Turkey and we finally arrive in Acemhöyük, the main
capital of the Hittite civilization.
Lunch with local inhabitants in Acemhöyük.
Back to Ankara, we drive along the Salty lake with its salt crystal, its
ducks, its wild geese and its rose flamingos. Dinner and overnight at
our 4 star hotels.
After breakfast, transfer to the airport.
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15 days, 14 nights, full pension in 4* charming hotels,
(dinner on the 1st evening, breakfast on the last day)
Minibus for Sumela, and Nemroud Dag, cruise on the Van
All admission fees to the visits planned,
Services of TransAnatolie Tour Professional Guide,
Transportation in Turkey (403 Mercedes bus or minibus, or
a Mercedes Sprinter/WW Wolt,
and lunches in restaurants.
Drinks in hotels and restaurants
Optional visits, tips
Flights Europe/Turkey/Europe
Airport taxes.
Turkey has a magnificent past, and is
a land full of archaeological, architectural, historical and cultural
treasures from thirteen successive
Ancient Anatolian Civilizations
spanning 10,000 years! Even if one spends only a short time in Turkey,
one gets by the Multi-lingual Cultural Tour Operator TransAnatolie Tour
the opportunity to discover and explore a lot of these cultural,
historical, archaeological, architectural and belief/biblical heritages
with specially designed superb itineraries and with high QoS.
Turkey is also a paradise of sun, sea,
sand, mountains, forests, lakes and natural thermal resorts to
practice Blue Cruise, Hobby Eco Nature & Wildlife Tourism as well as
Health Tourism.
From April to October, most places
in Turkey have an ideal climate that is perfect for relaxing on
sandy beaches or enjoying the tranquility of forests, mountains and
There is no doubt that one visit
will not be enough, and you would like to come back again and again
as you discover one extraordinary place after another. All of them,
no matter how different, have one thing in common: the friendly and
hospitable people of this unique country of civilizations.
Turkey offers, via TransAnatolie
Tour (Multilingual Cultural Tour Operator in Turkey and abroad), the
vacationer a complete change from the stress and routine of everyday
TransAnatolie Tour (Multi-Lingual
Cultural Tour Operator in Anatolia (Asia Minor) Turkey) is a leading provider
and operator of archaeological, historical, belief (biblical) and
cultural heritage tours and specialty travel with high Quality of
Service (QoS) concept.
The heart of TransAnatolie tourism spectrum
comprises organization, provision and operations of
(Biblical) Tours (holidays/trips/travels) in Turkey
Blue Cruise
(Sailing) along the wonderful Aegean and Mediterranean coasts of
Health Thermal-Thalasso
Tourism (holidays/trips/travels)
Cultural Heritage
Mini Tours (holidays/trips/travels)
Hobby Eco & Nature
Tours (holidays/trips/travels) to Turkey
International Tours
Incentives, Workshops and Congress
Each TransAnatolie Tour itinerary
has been carefully planned, architected and designed by our
experienced tour program developers together with our outstanding
scholars around the world.
TransAnatolie Tours are executed in
five languages (Dutch, English, French, German and Turkish) with
high QoS concept by Tourism Professionals of valuable experience,
intelligence and high intellectual and social capacity.
TransAnatolie Tour executive and operations teams have been at the
cutting edge of international tour (holiday) operations and
specialty travel since 1990s, working with organizations,
universities and museums to provide unique travel experiences,
cultural and belief (biblical) tours (holidays/trips) to their
TransAnatolie has immersed travelers in Anatolia's most
fascinating ancient cultures and provided enriching travel
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Cultural Turkey Tours of TransAnatolie Tour:

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A - Group License N°4938 - The Turkish Ministry of Culture and