TransAnatolie TA-Amasra
La perle de la Mer Noire:
Mini-circuit Culturel
Pour les
prix, cliquez ici ou
Route: Ankara-
Devrek-Bartin-Amasra-Le monument ‘le rocher d’Oiseau’- Bedesten (Bazaar
d’Amasra) maisons typiques de la citadelle– Musee Archeologique-La
Mosque Fatih - Promenade sur le vieux port-Ankara
La perle de la Mer Noire:
Mini-circuit Culturel

Voici le
programme, Amasra1:
La perle de la Mer Noire
07h:00 : Départ pour Amasra
Le petit déjeuner dans le bus (Thé- café et poğaça
(croissant turc)
09h00 : Halte dans un restaurant au bord de la
10h30 : Arrivée à Devrek, village connu pour ses
bâtons en bois, visite d’un atelier de bâtons.
12h30 : Arrivée à Amasra
Visite le monument « le rocher d’oiseau » qui date
de l’époque romain.
Déjeuner dans un restaurant typique en bord de mer où
on mange des poissons à volonté.
Lieus à visiter après le déjeuner : Le marché
artisanal,la mosquée Fatih, Les maisons typiques d’Amasra situées
dans la citadelle,le musée archéologique, la promenade sur le vieux
port, temps libre pour le shopping…
18h00 : Retour à ANKARA
23h00 : Arrivée à Ankara
Prix comprend
Le transport dans un bus confortable.
Le service de guide francophone
Le repas du midi
Le petit-déjeuner dans le bus
Les offres du thé-café dans le bus
L‘assurance du voyage
Prix ne comprend pas
Les boissons prises pendant le repas.
L’entrée des musées et des sites archéologiques
Le model du bus dépend à la participation :
1 – 17 pax : un bus pour 18 pax
18-27 pax : un bus pour 27 pax
28-46 pax : un grand bus pour 49 pax

TransAnatolie Tour
Tous les droits sont réservés pour
TransAnatolie Tour
Amasra (pop. 7000; anciently called Amastris) is a small Black Sea
port town in the Bartın Province, Turkey. The town is today much
appreciated for its beaches and natural setting, which has made tourism
the most important activity for its inhabitants.
Situated in the ancient region of Paphlagonia, the original city seems
to have been called Sesamus, and it is mentioned by
Homer in conjunction
with Cytorus. Stephanus says that it was originally called Cromna; but
in another place, where he repeats the statement, he adds, as it is
said; but some say that Cromna is a small place in the territory of
Amastris, which is the true account. The place derived its name Amastris
from Amastris, the niece of the last Persian king Darius III, who was
the wife of Dionysius, tyrant of Heraclea, and after his death the wife
of Lysimachus. Four small Ionian colonies, Sesamus, Cytorus, Cromna,
also mentioned in the Iliad, and Tium, were combined by Amastris, after
her separation from Lysimachus, to form the new community of Amastris,
placed on a small river of the same name and occupying a peninsula. Tium,
says Strabo, soon detached itself from the community, but the rest kept
together, and Sesamus was the acropolis of Amastris. From this it
appears that Amastris was really a confederation or union of three
places, and that Sesamus was the name of the city on the peninsula. This
may explain the fact that Mela mentions Sesamus and Cromna as cities of
Paphlagonia, and does not mention Amastris.
The territory of Amastris produced a great quantity of boxwood, which
grew on Mount Cytorus. Its tyrant Eumenes presented the city of Amastris
to Ariobarzanes of Pontus in c. 265–260 BC rather than submit it to
domination by Heraclea, and it remained in the Pontic kingdom until its
capture by Lucius Lucullus in 70 BC in the second Mithridatic War. The
younger Pliny, when he was governor of Bithynia and Pontus, describes
Amastris, in a letter to Trajan, as a handsome city, with a very long
open place (platea), on one side of which extended what was called a
river, but in fact was a filthy, pestilent, open drain. Pliny obtained
the emperor's permission to cover over this sewer. On a coin of the time
of Trajan, Amastris has the title Metropolis. It continued to be a town
of some note to the seventh century of our era.
The city was not abandoned in Byzantine Era, when the acropolis was
transformed into a fortress and the still surviving church was built. It
was sacked by the Rus during the First Russo-Byzantine War in the 830s.
But it was in 1261 that Amastris regained part of its former importance;
in that year the town was taken by the Italian city-state of Genoa in
its bid to obtain sole control of the Black Sea trade. Genoese
domination ended in 1460 when the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II conquered the
whole Anatolian shores of the Black Sea, forcing its inhabitants to move
to Istanbul. The Greeks were replaced with Turkish villagers and the
church became a mosque, the town losing most of its former importance.
With its rich architectural heritage, Amasra is a member of the
Norwich-based European Association of Historic Towns and Regions.